New Pattern Store on Ravelry

I’m normally a bit dippy at the best of times but this week I’ve got an excuse as I’m still in pain having had a wisdom tooth out on Monday. The actual extraction wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be but then I’ve had some pretty grim experiences – including a bone marrow test – that have set a useful benchmark for how much pain I can tolerate. Anyway, being dosed up on painkillers meant it took a little longer than it probably should have to set up my new Ravelry Pattern Store here.

I’ve done quite a few designs for magazines over the years and to be honest I felt I could be doing more with them as although some mags offer back issues, for readers it’s not always worth the money for 1 pattern once you’ve coughed up for both magazine and postage. (As was pointed out by a knitter in the USA who liked one of my recent designs for The Knitter but couldn’t find the mag over there). At the moment I’m offering designs that have previously been published to download, but I’ll be adding new designs too.

Designs just added are the Mullins Bay scarf above ( previously published in Yarn Forward) and

Heel Heaven, a sock design published in Simply Knitting ( both are £3.00 to download ). If you fancy a freebie stash busting pattern there’s the Hanger & Lavender Bag Set below

Have a good weekend

Miss Galloni Shrug, The knitter Issue 16

Copyright The Knitter magazine

Remember the 80’s? All that bold colour and graphic pattern not to mention the shoulder pads, flicked hair and Duran Duran – or was that just me?! This design is a little salute to Missoni and their trademark colourful chevron knits and here’s one of my hilarious ‘fashion drawings’ that shows where the idea began – note the Nick Rhodes hairdo . My sketches are designed to get the idea ‘down’ rather than be a work of fine art and you can tell from it that I did textiles.

Knitted ( by my very good friend June )in Noro Kureyon sock yarn it’s worked from cuff to cuff in a combination of rounds and rows with columns of vertical lace holes travelling across the back whilst the deflected stitches create a zig zag effect at both cast on and cast off edges. The stripes are knitted by alternating two balls of the same shade of the Noro, each at diifferent points in the colourway, in order to make the stripe effect more obvious and I’ve emphasised these edges with Debbie Bliss Rialto 4ply. Once the main body of the shrug is complete and all the ends have been sewn in, use a scrap of contrast yarn to sew a line of running stitch along the sleeve edge in order to mark where to pick up for the cuff

Marking out a line of sts to make picking up easier

the pointed edges can then be ‘set’ by pinning in place and blasting with a steam iron a few times before allowing them to cool

Once cool the stitches can be picked up for the cuff which is worked in the Rialto 4ply to pick up the contrast of the cast / cast off edge. . .

Pick up and knit for the cuffs

A very shallow rib is added to the opening neck edge to finish off which was flattened with a blast of steam to take the elasticity out of it.


De-stash Sale

There comes a time when you have to be honest and ask yourself  ‘WHEN am I going to get around to doing something with that?!’ Well my time is now. From stuff I snuck into corners after closing HK handknit to bits I bought because it seemed like a good idea at the time ( an Addi Express that’s still in its box). Some bits have been on Ebay but the prices have dropped again and this time there are no Ebay fees to pay for me which helps a lot. I’ve started it to a new ‘De-stash Sale’ section here at and will try to keep adding items regularly though my hands are a bit full at the mo.

Maggiore – a slight cock up

So it seems that there was an error in the materials given for the Maggiore wrap in Issue 16 of The Knitter. I’m so dippy these day I didn’t notice. So if you’ve been hunting high and low trying to find Twilleys Gorgeous sh 409 in 4ply, it doesn’t actually exist – I used DK for the wrap but having knitted it some time ago now and  moved on to a number of new things since then – on top of which my ‘senior moments’ are coming thick and fast –  all I can do is say sorry for not pointing it out sooner. ooops!