First Steps in Lace Workshop


I can’t believe we’re already into May, this year is absolutely flying by. Hopefully it won’t be long before we’re sitting outside sunning ourselves with a glass of something fizzy by our sides and a little something creative in hand to keep us occupied. If like me you like to knit something a little lighter in the Summer months, why not try lace?

On Saturday May 31st I’ll be at Black Sheep Wools for a day workshop teaching First Steps in Lace. If you’ve mastered the basics of knit and purl you’re ready to take the next step,….honestly. There are a few basic rules to remember and once you’ve cracked them you’ll be on your way to creating the most beautiful, open stitches which can be use in any project from scarves, stoles, shawls to socks and sweaters. On the day we’ll be working with my Baby Alpaca / Silk 4ply yarn which is so, so soft with a wonderful lustre and it’s perfect for lace. You’ll learn the basic principles of lace knitting including how to balance yarn overs and decreases to create laceholes, how to work from a chart and how to finish your work once completed. You’ll be able to bring all these new skills together to create a lacy shawlette which you’ll be able to cast on and take away with you to complete at your own speed. For more info have a look at the Black Sheep Wools website here