The longest week

So we’ve reached June 21st and thousands have spent the night at Stonehenge to mark the Summer Solstice. Time is a weird thing don’t you think? Perhaps it’s my age. On the one hand this year is flying by, I mean we’re almost through the month of June already, and yet on the other hand there aren’t enough hours in the day to tick off every item on my ‘to do’ list.  I think a lot of it has to do with working for a magazine where you’re always working months in advance.


A huge amount of planning goes into each issue of Knitting and in order to keep all the contributors in check we all receive deadline dates for our work from Deputy Ed Katy. Normally these are beautifully paced to fit in with our other work commitments so  I can be working on an Ask Jeanette one week, followed by a Yarn Review the week after. This week however I find myself working on one Ask Jeanette, two Yarn Reviews and a Gallery Garment techniques which goes some way to explaining the chaos on my desk that you can see in the photo above. We’re currently working on the Autumn / September issues and whilst it’s normally quite perverse to be knitting swatches of heavy Winter yarns in the middle of June the current UK ‘Summer’ we’re having means it’s actually been quite nice to wrap myself up in a blankie (that was blankie not snuggie, things aren’t THAT bad) and knit to keep warm. It’s also ironic that whilst doing all this work for a magazine called Knitting aside from reviewing yarns I haven’t had a chance to pick up my needles to knit for pleasure this week. Not to worry, there’s always next week.

In the mean time can I ask you to knit a few rows for me? Before you do read this piece  by Franklin Habit in the latest issue of Twist Collective. Called Process This it’ll make you wonder  which camp you fall into –  ‘Process Knitter’ or ‘Product Knitter’. Have a wee think about the project you’re holding in your hands and it’ll tell you….

J x