
I’ve been off my game recently because – like many others – I’m finding that life has become more than a little overwhelming.

The recent dementia diagnosis of one parent and the failing mobility of the other has added to an already overactive mind. It also hasn’t been helped by too much exposure to rolling coverage of the Covid 19 pandemic. So I took the decision to step back for a while. Why? Because when the previously pleasing process of creating a post for #thepattinrepeatgame feels like an added pressure rather than a thing of simple joy, you have to accept that something is wrong. And that’s how it felt. Like another heavyweight task on a seemingly endless to do list. Pressure on pressure.

So I’ve been keeping quiet and trying to look after myself. Having sought help I’m reading, practising mindfulness and pottering in the garden: a beautiful vibrant outside space for which I’m particularly grateful at the moment.

As a newbie gardener I’m finding my way, growing veg from seed and trying to outwit my arch enemy. A seemingly cute squirrel who lives in our olive tree who insists on digging into every one of my bloody pots to bury whatever treasure it’s found it’s travels.

As someone with a shockingly bad memory, limited horticultural savvy and no garden design skills I try to label what I’ve planted because I usually forget what I’ve planted and where I’ve put it. I buy a few cheap plants (just incase my over attentiveness becomes the kiss of death) and have been gifted others (thanks for the Geum @wendyswalksandboard)

so up to now that’s meant the garden is predominantly purple, pink. This morning however, I discovered something I didn’t know was there and certainly don’t recall planting. Like a burst of sunshine it’s appeared in a sea of purple, reminding me that even on the darkest days there can be glimpses of beauty, positivity or kindness that can lift your heart, encouraging you to keep going. This single yellow bloom did that for me this morning and I wanted to share it’s beauty with you, just in case you’ve also been finding life difficult. Please know you’re not alone, and it’s ok to ask for help.

J x

Pre lockdown larks and Kristy Glass Knits

I’ve been feeling a little low lately. I miss the days of close contact with friends. It seems like years since January when I was in New York at Vogue Knitting Live, making real life connections with friends old and new. Real life connections, remember those?

That was back in the days before social distancing, Zoom meetings to check in on family members, that weird dance we now do to avoid anyone walking toward us and the often hopeless quest to find flour because now we’re supposed to be staying at home everyone is baking.

I’m being a bit flippant but of course Covid 19 isn’t a laughing matter. Hearing the daily toll of those who have died with Corona virus is heartbreaking. And, the constant barrage of rolling  news coverage, although meant to be informative makes me feel slightly anxious on a day when I’m feeling pretty resilient and utterly depressed on days when I feel less able to cope.

Like many others I’m trying to navigate my way through these very strange times and I’m very grateful for the little rays of sunshine when they occur. So I was really happy (although very nervous) to see my interview with Kristy Glass Knits has recently gone up on her YouTube channel.

The lovely Felix Ford and Lorna Hamilton Brown in The Big Apple

To give some context I visited Kristy along with Felix Ford and Lorna Hamilton Brown just a couple of days after VKL New York and I have really fond memories of that day. It was very cold, crisp and wintry. As we made our way to Kristy’s apartment New York looked absolutely stunning in the early morning sunshine and when we got there she was incredibly warm, welcoming and genuinely interested in each of us. Oh yes, she also lays on a mean breakfast.

It’s tough being interviewed with two of your closest and smartest friends in the room. Felix and Lorna are phenomenal women who I’m blessed to have as friends and you can also watch their interviews on Kristy’s channel. In fact go now, make yourself a cuppa or grab your favourite tipple and head over to YouTube now to watch them all.

Kristy, it was lovely meeting you, thanks for having me.

Stay safe and well my lovelies

J x


You’ll find Kristy’s YouTube channel here