50 sense


I know it’s a couple of days into 2018 but it’s never to late to wish you a Happy New Year! Well obviously saying it in August might be a little daft but you know what I mean. Happily for me the dawn of a new year also means celebrating another birthday and this year it was the biggie – the belter – the big 5 – 0.

If you’ve read this blog for a while you’ll know that there have been several interesting occurrences in my life (I normally hate the phrase ‘challenging’ but that is what they’ve been). A number of serious illnesses over the last 30 years meant that I genuinely didn’t think I’d get to 50 at all but I am truly blessed to have done so meaning this New Year’s Eve celebrations were extra special. If you follow me over on instagram (@jeanettesloan) you’ll have seen a number of videos where I’m dancing around like an idiot and to be honest I make no apologies for that. I’ve embraced my 50th birthday with all the enthusiasm of a small child and whilst that meant that a whole evening prancing about the lounge in high heels made my knees and ankles agony when I woke the next morning I’m still giggling about the amazing time I had surrounded by the some of the best people I’m privileged to know. Among them are my friends Lee & Nicci who part way through the evening, produced this incredible birthday cake which literally made my eyes well up with tears. I’ve known Lee since we lived up in Edinburgh and have come to know Nicci over the last few years and for this beautiful couple to take so much time and trouble to create this stunning confection for a knitty old lady like me really blew me away.


Nicci & Lee are huge foodies and with Lee being an art director with a perfectionist’s eye for detail it’s no surprise that the cake is so wonderfully bright, skilfully executed and of course ….delicious.  (It had a spiced apple cake centre and the balls of ‘wool’ were made from sponge mixed with chocolate ganache). Nicci & Lee are a lovely couple and as they’re getting married this summer whoever is tasked with making their wedding cake had better up their game.

You’d assume that reaching the ripe old age of 50 I’d have some sage words of advice to give? Nah, not really. That the new year has prompted me to write another long list of resolutions I’m bound to break before the month of January is out? Not a chance.

My only resolution is NOT to make any New Year’s resolutions. Having reached this ripe old new age I’ll be holding my family and friends more closely (sorry guys) and enjoying every moment of the new challenges (that word again) that 2018 will bring. A number of them will take me away from knitting but the ‘pins’ will never be too far away. Like many of us I’ve put on weight over the festive period and knitting in front of the telly is the only thing that will stop me stuffing my face with food. So as part of spreading the love I’ve got a bit of a promotion going in my Ravelry Pattern Store where there’s 50% off all my patterns for the next 5 days (discount ends at midnight 8th January GMT) just click here

Thanks for reading my ramblings and whatever you’re doing in 2018 I wish you love, peace, happiness and health


J x